According to the Centers for Disease Control, millions of American suffer from some form of periodontal disease, including half of people over the age of 30! In addition to impairing oral health and increasing the risk of tooth loss, gum disease has also been linked to diabetes. Since November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, let’s talk about this connection, as well as the steps our Richardson, TX, patients can take to protect their smiles.

Warning Signs of Periodontal Disease

How do you know if you’re at risk of developing gum disease? Look for any changes to your gums. Redness, soreness, swelling, or recession could all indicate the presence of gingivitis or gum disease. Bleeding when you brush and floss could also be a sign of trouble. Periodontal disease occurs when inflammation, which may result from poor oral hygiene, family history of periodontal problems, smoking, or chronic illness, remains untreated, allowing harmful bacteria to enter pockets along the gumline.

The Link with Diabetes

Gum disease means a serious infection in the gum tissue. As infections leads to a rise in blood sugar levels, patients with diabetes have a harder time fighting periodontal disease, while the disease itself makes controlling diabetes more difficult.

Improving Oral (and Overall) Health

If you’re diabetic and have concerns about gum disease, then talk to your dentist. We will examine your smile to see if you require treatment. We may recommend a scaling and root planing to help manage periodontal problems, followed up with routine dental cleanings. Good dental hygiene, including brushing and flossing daily, also helps improve gum health. A diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, and high grain foods also helps with periodontal issues and other health issues. If you have any questions or concerns about the connection between periodontal disease and diabetes, contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Periodontal Disease?

With routine preventive care, we can help our patients maintain a healthy smile free of periodontal disease. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling the Viva Dental Family Dentistry office nearest you at (214) 337-7800 (Dallas) or (972) 437-6000 (Richardson).