dallas back to school checkups

Your children may have started back to school this week, or could be heading back in the next week or so. In addition to getting them ready with new school supplies and clothes, we want to make sure you don’t forget their smile! In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist talks about preparing kids to head back to school with bright and healthy smiles!

The Checkup and Cleaning Visit

Before they start a new semester, why not schedule a visit for a checkup and cleaning? The checkup is a chance for our team to experience your child’s smile using advanced technology, so we can make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. We will look for common signs of trouble, diagnosing the presence of tooth decay, gingivitis, and the risk of developing misalignment. For issues like cavities, we can place a filling in one visit to treat the issue and prevent discomfort, infection, or the risk of premature tooth loss. In the same sitting, we will also clean the teeth, a procedure that removes harmful layers of plaque and tartar from the teeth, so your child starts the new school year with a brighter and healthier smile.

Fluoride Treatments and Dental Sealants

Our team may also recommend unique preventive treatments to lower the risk of tooth decay. With fluoride treatments, we apply a topical gel to the teeth that can strengthen the weakened portions of enamel to prevent cavities. Since many kids have trouble reaching the back teeth when brushing and flossing, dental sealants can provide a protective coating that prevents cavities from forming in these vulnerable teeth. Dental sealants can stay in place for up to ten years in many cases, and the application only takes minutes.

Pediatric Evaluations

Our team can also conduct pediatric evaluations to make sure your children can rest properly while they sleep. Issues with airway obstruction could impact how well they rest, and even increases the risk of behavioral and learning complications. But with an oral appliance and other treatment options, we can help ensure they breathe without interruptions, so they wake rested and alert and able to thrive in the classroom, reaching their educational and emotional milestones without complication!

If you have any questions about our approach to children’s dentistry, or if you want to schedule a visit before they start school, then contact our team today to learn more. We want you kids to feel confident in their smiles!

Your Dallas, TX, Dentist Offers Children’s Dentistry   

We would like to help kids start their new school year with a bright and healthy smile. For more information on protecting little smiles, then please schedule a consultation by calling the Viva Dental Family Dentistry office nearest you at (214) 337-7800 (Dallas) or (972) 437-6000 (Richardson).