Woman with Impressive Bun Wonders Whether Sedation Dentistry is Right for HerYou may have seen advertisements in magazines or in your dentist’s office promoting “Sedation Dentistry” or you may have even spoken to a friend or family member who underwent a dental procedure with sedation. Or hey, maybe you just saw one of those funny “After the Dentist” videos on YouTube and wondered what’s up with those loopy patients. All humor aside, dental sedation is a vital part of contemporary dentistry, one that allows people who may not have been able to sit through a dental appointment to receive much-needed treatment. This brief overview of this dental protocol will help you determine whether you need sedation dentistry.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Dental sedation, in the form of nitrous oxide gas, was first used in conjunction with oral surgery back in the 1850s. Since that time, oral sedation (pill sedation) and IV sedation (needle sedation) have joined nitrous oxide to make up a full complement of sedation solutions, each perfect for a different type of patient. A few benefits of sedation dentistry include:

Helps Fearful/Anxious Patients Relax

Experts estimate that as many as 20 million Americans a year skip visiting the dentist because the thought of receiving dental care causes feelings of mild-to-severe anxiety or fear. Unfortunately, avoiding regular professional dental care can result in serious, painful oral health problems. Dental sedation is perfect for people living with dental fear or anxiety, because it allows them to remain relaxed and calm throughout their treatment.

Allows Patients with Special Needs to Relax

Patients with physical disabilities, sensitive gag reflexes, neurological impairment, or who simply have difficulty sitting prone in a dental chair for extended periods of time can benefit from sedation dentistry. Whether they need gentle and mild nitrous oxide or deeper, more profoundly relaxing oral or IV sedation, a licensed sedation dentist can help all her patients receive the care they need, regardless of their special needs.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

When administered by a licensed dentist with special training in sedation techniques and monitored by an assisting staff with certifications in sedation dentistry, this technique is safe for nearly all patients.


Dallas TX dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, DDS offers a comfortable dental care employing the latest in cutting-edge dental technology. We strive to make sure our patients in Dallas and Richardson have access to innovative preventive, cosmetic, and restorative procedures. To schedule an appointment, call Viva Dental Family Dentistry at (214) 337-7800 (Dallas) or (972) 437-6000 (Richardson).