
Did you know that April is designated as Stress Awareness Month? During this month healthcare professionals are recognizing the health risks of stress and the ways anxiety can hurt quality of life. As dental professionals, the team at Viva Dental Family Dentistry understands the link between stress and a serious oral health issue such as bruxism.

Stress Awareness Month

The reason medical professionals want to spread the word about stress is due to the harmful effects this issue has on the body. Excessive anxiety can lead to high blood pressure, headaches, depression, skin conditions, upset stomach, and asthma. In addition, this has been known to worsen the symptoms of diseases. In many cases, poor health develops once people resort to smoking or excessive consumption of alcohol to cope, which can increase the risk of serious health problems.

What is Bruxism?

Bruxism refers to the regular grinding of the teeth or clenching of the jaw. Often caused by stress, this disorder can lead to worn down, cracked, or chipped teeth. The strain on the jaw joints can lead to TMJ disorder, which often makes opening and closing the mouth difficult. Many people only grind their teeth during sleep, so they must be aware of the symptoms, which include:

  • Headaches
  • Earaches
  • Sore jaw
  • Neck/shoulder pain
  • Toothaches or tooth sensitivity

We urge people not to ignore the symptoms. Instead, see a dental professional to discuss your treatment options and receive a diagnosis.

Treatment Options

To stop grinding your teeth you may need to reduce stress, avoid consuming alcohol or caffeine before bed, and see if you have a bite out of alignment. In addition to treating the issue by correcting bite misalignment, we can provide a comfortable and custom-made oral appliance. Worm at night, this device appears similar to a nightguard and repositions the jaw to ease symptoms.


Dallas TX dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, DDS offers a comfortable dental care employing the latest in cutting-edge dental technology. We strive to make sure our patients in Dallas and Richardson have access to innovative preventive, cosmetic, and restorative procedures. To schedule an appointment, call Viva Dental Family Dentistry at (214) 337-7800 (Dallas) or (972) 437-6000 (Richardson).