Are Your Children Seeing the Dentist Soon Enough?


When did you child first see a dentist? Many parents unknowingly delay their children’s first dentist visit, increasing the odds of developing serious dental health issues. In fact, a recent study highlights the importance of children obtaining early care for their teeth and gums. Don’t let your child suffer the consequences of delayed dental visits, help them maintain a smile full of healthy, beautiful teeth.


Keeping Smiles Healthy During the Holidays


Easter is just a few days away and many of our patients will be celebrating. For kids, this means another opportunity to indulge in candy and sweets care of the Easter bunny and egg hunts. We would like to remind our patients and their families to try and limit their children’s candy consumption and even offer healthy alternatives to reduce the risk of toothaches and cavities. We also recommend a few simple tips for keeping little smiles healthy and happy.


FAQs: Do Children Need Dental Checkups?


Navigating your child’s dental care can be difficult. Many parents aren’t sure how soon a child needs to brush, much less see a dentist. However, like adults, children require regular dental care to maintain a healthy smile and prevent serious dental problems. To keep your child’s smile healthy and bright, you need to make sure your little one undergoes regular dental checkups.


Quiz: How Do I Improve My Dental Heath at Work?


We spend over eight hours a day at work, many of us sitting at a desk for nearly the entire time. The urge to snack and proximity to snack machines often causes us to indulge in unhealthy foods. In addition to expanding our waistlines, snacking at work can also hurt our dental health. However, with a few simple steps, you can improve your dental health from the office.


How Do I Know If I Have a Cavity?


A cavity is one of the most widespread dental health issues around. In fact, according to recent statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, over a fourth of children between the ages of 2 and 5 and half of kids between the ages of 12 and 15 have one or more cavities. There are a number of signs to watch for that may indicate dental caries. By detecting a cavity in the early stages, you can help your child avoid the need for root canal or extraction.


Quiz: The Importance of Oral Cancer Screenings


According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, over 42,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer every year. In addition, each year over 13,500 people die as a direct result of oral cancer. Richardson TX dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, offers oral cancer screenings with every checkup as part of our approach to preventive dentistry.
