Gum disease is a serious dental health issue that affects millions of people in the United States. However, periodontal disease may also be linked with another common health problem: diabetes. Dr. Diep Truong discusses the possible link between diabetes and periodontal disease. She also offers tips for identifying and potentially preventing the onset of gum disease.
How Fad Diets Can Hurt Your Smile
When looking to lose weight, many people turn to quick fad diets. While juice cleanses and raw food diets offer quick results, they can also damage your teeth and gums. Dr. Diep Truong explains why you should be wary of any fad diets that promise quick results as these can increase your risk of cavities.
Get Ready for the State Fair
Once a month, we like to take the time to let our patients know about upcoming events in the community. For September, a big event is on the horizon. In just two weeks, you and your family can once again take in the sites and sounds of the state fair. Of course, the State Fair of Texas also includes a number of fatty, fried, and admittedly delicious, treats that may not be great for your smile. Dr. Diep Truong discuses what’s new at the state fair and offers some ideas for healthy snack alternatives.
Do Our Genes Affect Our Dental Health?
While nearly anyone can suffer from a cavity, are some people genetically predisposed to developing tooth decay? The answer is surprising. Multiple dental health factors can make some portions of the population more susceptible to developing tooth decay. Dr. Diep Truong discusses how genes can affect your tooth decay risk and what you can do to help your smile stay healthy and cavity-free.
Does Smoking Hurt Your Smile?
According to the Centers for Disease Control, over 42 million Americans smoke. Most people understand that smoking can lead to cancer or cause bad breath, but few realize just how much damage tobacco can do to your smile. From yellow teeth to tooth loss, cigarettes can be very harmful to your smile.
Do Sports Drinks Lead to Cavities?
When you or your child are outdoors or playing sports, how do you stay hydrated? For many people, staying hydrated means forgoing water for a popular sports drink instead. After all, sports drinks boast their electrolyte content and ability to keep you active and hydrated. Unfortunately, sports drinks can cause significant harm to your teeth. Dallas dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, explains how sports drinks can increase your risk of developing cavities.
Don’t Miss the World’s Largest Dinosaurs!
At Viva Dental Family Dentistry, we like to make sure our patients are aware of the unique activities and events available in their community. Right now, you only have two more weeks to take advantage of a very interesting exhibit at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science. The World’s Largest Dinosaurs is a great time for both children and adults and we encourage our patients and their families in Dallas and surrounding communities to see this exhibit before it’s gone.
Do My Kids Need to See the Dentist Before School Starts?
We’re almost in the middle of August, which means for some school is just around the corner. Before you get lost in the maze of school shopping, don’t forget to make an appointment with Dr. Truong. Your Dallas dentist explains why all kids should visit the dentist before they head back to school.
Quiz: How Often Should I See the Dentist?
How often do we really need to see the dentist? This is fairly common question. Some people insist once a year is enough while others may see the dentist only if they experience discomfort. However, everyone should visit the dentist at least once every six months for a checkup and dental cleaning to ensure optimal dental health. As Dallas dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, explains, regular appointments help address common dental issues before they lead to serious dental health complications.
Cavity Prevention Tips for Preschoolers
Does your preschooler complain about aching teeth? Many parents don’t realize that small children are just as susceptible to developing cavities as adults and older kids. Even if your little one still has baby teeth, tooth decay can lead to serious dental health complications, including misalignment and infection. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help your child avoid cavities.