Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day is an excellent way to help protect them against issues like tooth decay and gum disease, but it is not the only part to a healthy hygiene routine. As vigilant as we can be against plaque buildup and left-behind food debris, there is always a possibility of leaving a little something behind that can affect your oral health. Luckily, there’s hope. Your Dallas dentist Dr. Truong explains the importance and benefits of attending your six-month dental checkup and cleaning.
That Extra-Clean Feeling
When plaque is allowed to remain on your teeth for more than 48 hours, it calcifies, or hardens, into tartar. No matter how persistent you are, brushing your teeth will not suffice to remove tartar. At your Dallas dental checkup and cleaning, Dr. Truong or our talented hygienist will carefully remove residual traces of plaque and tartar, including under the gumline. Often, tartar will accumulate where your tooth meets your gums, and irritate your gums enough to separate from the tooth. This separation creates pockets where bacteria can collect and cause infection. Removing the tartar from under the gums allows the connective tissue to heal and helps prevent gum disease and tooth loss. (more…)