Tag: cosmetic dentistry

FAQs About Our Teeth Whitening Techniques

Interested in obtaining a brighter smile? Over time, stains can dull the appearance of our teeth. With cosmetic dentistry, you can rejuvenate the beauty of your smile. Your Dallas TX dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, offers our patients an array of professional teeth whitening options.

Learn How Your Dallas Dentist Brightens Smiles with Today’s Quiz

Over time, a variety of factors can lead to stained teeth. The foods and drinks we consume, poor oral hygiene, and even the use of certain antibiotics may discolor the outer enamel or inner structure of our teeth. Fortunately, at Viva Dental Family Dentistry we offer cosmetic solutions to stained smiles. In today’s blog, your… Read more »

Dallas Dentist: Learn About Teeth Whitening with Today’s Quiz

Do you suffer from unsightly teeth stains? Due to a variety of factors, our teeth may become discolored over time. Fortunately, at Viva Dental Family Dentistry, we offer an array of cosmetic whitening solutions. In today’s blog, your Dallas dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, uses a fun quiz to illustrate the benefits of our teeth whitening… Read more »

Dallas Dentist Answers Questions About Dental Crowns

At Viva Dental Family Dentistry, we offer a method of dental restoration that addresses tooth decay, damaged teeth, and even aids in the replacement of missing teeth. Crowns can help return your tooth to full function and appearance. In today’s blog, your Dallas dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, addresses frequently asked questions about the restorative capabilities… Read more »

Dallas Dentist Answers Frequently Asked Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry

A beautiful smile instills confidence and helps make a great first impression. Unfortunately, many people feel self-conscious due to dental imperfections, such as teeth stains or dental damage. Thankfully, your Dallas dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, provides state-of-the-art cosmetic dentistry to address imperfections and improve smiles. In today’s blog, Dr. Truong answers a few common questions… Read more »

Cosmetic Dental Care from Your Dallas Dentist

A beautiful smile can boost your confidence. In fact, according to a recent Kelton Research study, people with gorgeous smiles are considered both more attractive and more successful. Whether you want to improve your self-image or make a great first impression, we can help transform your smile. Your Dallas dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, provides our… Read more »

Dallas Dentist Restores Smiles with Dental Crowns

Did you know dental crowns protect and preserve your smile? Whether you suffer from advanced tooth decay or desire a cosmetic solution to a damaged or malformed tooth, dental crowns can improve your dental health. But what are dental crowns? How do they work? Do they look natural? In today’s blog, your Dallas dentist, Dr…. Read more »