Category: General Dentistry

Do Sports Drinks Lead to Cavities?

When you or your child are outdoors or playing sports, how do you stay hydrated? For many people, staying hydrated means forgoing water for a popular sports drink instead. After all, sports drinks boast their electrolyte content and ability to keep you active and hydrated. Unfortunately, sports drinks can cause significant harm to your teeth…. Read more »

Do My Kids Need to See the Dentist Before School Starts?

We’re almost in the middle of August, which means for some school is just around the corner. Before you get lost in the maze of school shopping, don’t forget to make an appointment with Dr. Truong. Your Dallas dentist explains why all kids should visit the dentist before they head back to school.

Quiz: How Often Should I See the Dentist?

How often do we really need to see the dentist? This is fairly common question. Some people insist once a year is enough while others may see the dentist only if they experience discomfort. However, everyone should visit the dentist at least once every six months for a checkup and dental cleaning to ensure optimal… Read more »

Can Coffee Be Healthy for Your Smile?

How many of you need a cup of coffee to start your day? Well, you’re definitely not alone. In the United States, 54% of people over the age of 18 drink coffee on a regular basis. A cup of java offers a crucial burst of energy, but is it good for you? Below, we discuss… Read more »

Why Do We Get Canker Sores?

Have you ever developed a canker sore? For many people, canker sores represent an embarrassing and reoccurring issue. What causes a person to develop a canker sore? What can we do to prevent them or treat them? At Viva Family Dentistry, we discuss the common causes of canker sores and what can be done to… Read more »

FAQs: Taking Care of Your Kids’ Summer Smiles

With summer in full swing, you and your kids suddenly have a lot more time on your hands. While lounging around for a few weeks may be good your little one, this is no time to remain lax on dental care. Just like the rest of the year, your kids will need to practice good… Read more »

Quiz: How Often Do I Need a Checkup?

So, when was the last time you had a dental checkup? According to a recent study from the UK, the average time between dental checkups is just shy of four years. On average, the study shows, people see the dentist once every three years and eight months. As we will discuss, people should be stopping… Read more »

Healthy Summer Snack Options for Kids

Summer has arrived and your kids are finally out of school. Most children look at summer break as a time to kick back and relax, while consuming copious amounts of snacks and soda, of course. While there’s nothing wrong with the occasional sweet treat, we encourage parents to offer kids some healthy summer snack options…. Read more »

Are Men More Susceptible to Gum Disease?

Not only is Father’s Day next week, but June is actually Men’s Health Month as well. Maintaining good oral health is a vital part of ensuring our overall health. For men, taking steps to keep their smiles healthy actually reduces the risk of a serious dental problem that affects men more than women: gum disease.

How the Sun Can Help Your Smile

With winter behind us, the sun is out and the weather is warm. Many of us are hitting the jogging trails or enjoying a little time outdoors in the fresh air. Did you know that spending just a few minutes a day outdoors can actually help strengthen your smile? Dr. Diep Truong explains how increasing… Read more »