Category: Preventive Dentistry

Dallas Dentist Brightens Smiles with General Dentistry

Without regular dental care, the appearance of our smiles suffers. In fact, lack of routine dental treatment increases the risk of serious issues, such as tooth decay and gum disease. At Viva Dental Family Dentistry, your Dallas dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, offers quality general dental care to improve the health of your smile, including thorough… Read more »

Richardson Dentist: Try Our Dental Checkup Quiz

Few things help fill a person with confidence like a beautiful smile. In fact, a recent Kelton Research study shows that people with healthy smiles are considered both more attractive and successful. Many of the people polled for the study also said the smile is one of the first things they notice when meeting someone… Read more »

Richardson Dentist Offers Tips for Preventing Tooth Decay

Does your child complain about sensitive teeth? Does he/she experience a toothache that doesn’t seem to go away? These are all common symptoms of tooth decay. A cavity endangers the health and stability of your child’s smile. Unfortunately, many parents don’t realize that a few simple steps can help prevent the onset of tooth decay…. Read more »

Spicy Food Cooling Methods, from Your Dallas, TX Dentist

Have you ever eaten a very spicy dish and your tongue felt like it was on fire? While your tongue is able sense five tastes, it’s particularly sensitive to spicy foods. In fact, many people have encountered the same issue and don’t have the slightest idea on how to find relief. Thankfully, at Viva Dental… Read more »

Dallas, TX General Dentist Shares the Benefits of Cranberries

Who doesn’t like a nice bit of cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving? Almost every American household serves cranberry sauce during their Thanksgiving meal as a part of tradition. While cranberries do add a sweet zing to this tasty meal, eating these on a daily basis can improve your health. Since cranberries provide a number of nutrients,… Read more »

Richardson, TX Dentist Presents: Diabetes and Oral Health

Most dentists tell their patients that oral health can determine the state of your overall health. This statement is very much true! As a matter of fact, some cases of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and even low birth-weight babies have been cause by untreated oral diseases and illnesses. In this article, though, your Richardson, TX dentist Dr…. Read more »

Dallas, TX Dentist Explains the Importance of Dental Cleanings

For patients who need their teeth cleaned soon, reading this article may benefit you a great deal. Dr. Diep Truong, your Dallas, TX dentist, shares the importance of dental cleanings with her patients. Top-Marked Reasons to Schedule Routine Dental Visits Reason # 1 – Oral cancer screenings. Having a dental cleaning is about preventative care… Read more »

Richardson, TX Dentist Discusses Surgical Treatments for Gum Disease

Do you know the more advanced stages of gum disease don’t respond to alternative, non-surgical methods of treatment? For those who require a more involved process to eliminate this oral ailment, Dr. Diep Truong, your Richardson, TX dentist, explains surgical methods to cure gum disease. Surgeries that Alleviate Gum Disease Flap surgery. When gum disease… Read more »

Richardson Dentist Answers FAQs About Dental Cleanings

A cleaning is such a routine procedure that many people underestimate its importance. Without regular cleanings, your smile becomes susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease. In today’s blog, your Richardson dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, answers common questions about the importance of dental cleanings.

Dallas, TX Dentist Busts Common Myths about Gum Disease

In our previous post about gum disease, we discussed risk factors that make you more susceptible to developing this oral illness. Here, Dr. Diep Truong, your Dallas, TX dentist debunks a few common misconceptions about gum disease. Learn the Real Truth about Gum Disease Gum Disease Myth # 1 – Gum disease is a natural… Read more »