For many families, summer break is only two to three weeks away. With your child’s schedule becoming less hectic, now is the perfect time to schedule a checkup and cleaning. Our Richardson, TX, team will then help your children enjoy healthier smiles before school starts in August. Let’s look at the benefits of scheduling a visit during your summer break.
5 Benefits Of Dental Implants
Did you know we’re currently offering a special on dental implants? You can receive 50% off the cost of your implants, and enjoy a full and beautiful smile once again. But what makes dental implants such a great choice for addressing minor and severe tooth loss? Let’s look at the benefits they offer people in Dallas, TX, with missing teeth.
Replace Your Missing Teeth With Our Dental Implant Special
If you have one or more missing teeth, then your oral health will suffer, along with your overall appearance. In order to enjoy a healthy and full smile, your Richardson, TX, dentist may recommend implant dentistry. Right now, we’re offering a special on dental implants and helping our patients enjoy beautiful, whole smiles once again!
Don’t Forget To Schedule An Oral Cancer Screening
Did you know that April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month? We want to take this time to remind our Dallas, TX, patients why a yearly screening is vital for their overall health. In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about the screening process, and discuss warning signs you should be aware of. Remember, the earlier the disease is identified, the better the chances of a full recovery.
The Link Between Allergies And Toothaches
Spring is here! Which means longer days, sunnier weather, and for many of us, seasonal allergies. In addition to runny noses and itchy and watery eyes, many people will have to contend with aching teeth. What’s the link between allergies and toothaches, and when should our Richardson, TX, patients see us about an aching tooth?
Repairing A Broken Tooth
What should you do if you break a tooth? Well, first you should contact your Dallas, TX, dentist! Addressing damage quickly helps prevent complications. In addition, we have a number of treatment options to offer natural looking repair, restoring your tooth to optimal function and beauty. Find out how we fix a tooth, and what you can do to limit future damage.
Correcting Crooked Smiles With Invisalign®
Does your smile appear crooked or crowded due to misalignment? If you’re ready to address your misalignment, then talk to your Richardson, TX, dentist. We have clear aligners designed to address misalignment. Find out how we create these aligners and what benefits Invisalign® offers over traditional metal braces.
What Causes Gum Recession?
Protecting the health of our gums is essential for preserving your teeth and enjoying optimal oral health. However, if recession begins to occur, you could be suffering from gum disease. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist explains how to combat gum recession and protect the health of your smile, avoiding tooth loss and other complications in the process.
How To Care For Your Smile From Home
Seeing your Richardson, TX, dentist for checkups and cleanings is an important part of your oral healthcare routine. However, you also need to care for your smile from home, every single day. Routine care helps protect teeth and gums from tooth decay and gum disease, as well as other common oral health issues. Let’s find out what you can do to improve your smile health.
Is Vaping Bad For Your Smile?
For many Americans, vaping is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to smoking. After all, it’s better for you, right? As more people taking up this habit, medical professionals and dentists are beginning to realize the dangers e-cigarettes pose for our smile’s health. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist takes a look at the dangers of vaping on your oral health.