Brighten Your Smile with Fun Stocking Stuffer Ideas


Christmas is just a few days away! Right now, people everywhere are fighting the crowds for last minute shopping. Are you struggling to come up with some good stocking stuffer ideas? What about some simple, affordable stocking stuffers that also help your loved ones maintain healthy smiles? Dallas TX dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, offers suggestions for fun gifts that can boost the health and appearance of your smile.


Do You Have a Toothache?


What may start out as a mild discomfort can soon morph into sharp pain. A toothache is often a warning sign of a more serious issue, and without treatment, can lead to a number of major dental health complications. Your Richardson TX dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, can diagnose the cause and severity of a toothache, providing quality treatment.


Tips for Protecting Your Smile This Thanksgiving


With Thanksgiving right around the corner, many people will be gathering with families to celebrate. Of course, that celebration will also include binging on traditional Thanksgiving fare, such as turkey, stuffing, and of course, pie. Unfortunately, a lot of our Thanksgiving favorites aren’t very good for our teeth. Your Dallas dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, offers tips for enjoying your holiday meal and safeguarding your smile against tooth decay.


What Causes Gum Disease?


gumdiseaseFor millions of Americans, gum disease is a serious risk to their dental health. According to recent studies conducted by the Centers for Disease Control, over 64.7 million people in the United States exhibit signs of periodontal disease. Your Dallas TX dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, offers treatment for gum disease to improve the health and beauty of your smile.


Obtain a Healthy Smile with General Dentistry


smilingRegular dental care helps promote healthy teeth and gums. At Viva Family Dentistry, we provide quality dental care for the entire family. As part of our approach to preventive dentistry, Dallas TX dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, offers an array of dental procedures to improve the health and beauty of our patients’ smiles.


Dallas Dentist: Support Our Troops with Our Halloween Buyback Program


This week, kids across the country will be dressing up and going door-to-door for sugary treats. Everyone enjoys candy, but too much can be risky for your smile. At Viva Dental Family Dentistry, we have a way you can not only protect your smile, but support our troops as well. In today’s blog, your Dallas dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, discusses the details of our Halloween buyback program.


Bleeding Gums Could Signal Trouble, Says Dallas Dentist

woman covering mouth If your gums bleed a little when you brush, your toothbrush bristles may be too hard. Perhaps you’re pressing too hard when you scrub your pearly whites. In many cases, bleeding gums indicate the beginning stage of gum disease, called gingivitis. Other symptoms include redness, tenderness, swelling, and halitosis (bad breath).

While poor oral hygiene is the leading cause of adult gum disease (periodontal disease), other factors can contribute to the development of this chronic and progressive condition.

What Increases Risk for Gum Disease?

Age, genetics, certain medications, hormone fluctuations, and systemic diseases can increase risk for gum disease.

The Centers for Disease Control claim that nearly half of Americans over 30 years old have some form of periodontal disease. As adults age, maintaining sound oral health becomes increasingly difficult, which makes us more susceptible to developing diseases. To prevent the onset of gum disease, Dr. Truong recommends continuing dental visits, regardless of age, and brushing teeth twice, flossing once, each day.

Smoking or chewing tobacco increases your risk of developing both gum disease and oral, throat, and lung cancers. Also, using tobacco tends to cause a dry mouth, which leads to an increase in oral bacteria and plaque build-up. Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection of the gum tissue, so if you already suffer with gingivitis, stop smoking now.

Unfortunately, some patients have a genetic predisposition to gum disease. Even with sound dental care habits, these patients can still suffer with bouts of periodontal disease. Dr. Truong can conduct a genetic test of your saliva to screen your proclivity for developing gum disease. Based upon the results, the doctor can begin proactive treatments to prevent gum disease.

Medications, such as asthma inhalers, and hormone fluctuations contribute to an increased risk for developing gingivitis. Even for those with excellent oral hygiene, teens, pregnant women, and menopausal women are prone to gum disease flare ups. In most cases, symptoms of the disease subside when hormones regulate.

Systemic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, weaken the body’s defenses and increase the possibility of infections. Patients with diabetes have a greater likelihood of developing gum disease.

Visit Viva Dental for Preventative Gum Disease Care

If you’re experiencing symptoms that may indicate gum disease, visit Dr. Diep Truong. With her expertise, your condition can be treated so that you can enjoy improved oral health. To schedule an appointment at our Dallas dental office, call (214) 337-7800. Also, visit our website to learn more about services, to read our reviews, to obtain patient information. We happily serve new and existing patients in North Oak Cliff, Kessler Park, Duncanville, Grand Prairie, Richardson, Carrolton, Garland, Addison, Farmers Branch, and nearby suburbs.

Dallas Dentist Offers Tips for Keeping Your Smile Beautiful


When you catch a glimpse of your smile in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see a gorgeous row of teeth or a smile dulled by teeth stains? Without regular dental maintenance, the health and appearance of your smile suffers. Fortunately, at Viva Dental Family Dentistry, we can help you boost the beauty of your smile. In today’s blog, your Dallas dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, offers tips for keeping your teeth bright and healthy.


Dallas Dentist Brightens Smiles with General Dentistry


Without regular dental care, the appearance of our smiles suffers. In fact, lack of routine dental treatment increases the risk of serious issues, such as tooth decay and gum disease. At Viva Dental Family Dentistry, your Dallas dentist, Dr. Diep Truong, offers quality general dental care to improve the health of your smile, including thorough cleanings. In today’s blog, Dr. Truong answers questions about the smile brightening capabilities of dental cleanings.
