How To Choose Smile Healthy Snacks

Snacking during the day helps us stay alert and holds us over between meals. However, many snacks available to us contain ingredients that are harmful for our smiles. In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about how our patients in Richardson, TX, can choose healthier snacks for themselves and their family!


4 Tips For Celebrating The Tooth Fairy

Did you know that August 22nd is National Tooth Fairy Day? For children in Dallas, TX, and across the world, the tooth fairy is a major part of their childhood, being there as they lose their primary teeth and their permanent teeth arrive. With the big day just a week away, let’s talk about ways you can help your children celebrate the tooth fairy (and help their oral health along the way).


How Do I Protect My Gums from Disease?

If you brush your teeth twice and floss at least once every day, then you can dramatically boost your chances of protecting your smile from conditions like progressive gum disease. Yet, despite sticking to good hygiene, many people still develop such issues and are forced to treat them before they grow too severe. Fortunately, patients in Dallas, TX, can effectively protect their teeth and gums from disease by making routine preventive dental care an essential part of their hygiene routines. Even if gum disease develops, routine care can increase your chances of stopping it from causing extensive damage to your smile. (more…)

Should You Be Using A Tongue Scraper?

When we clean our teeth at home, we tend to focus on the teeth. With flossing, we pay a little attention to the gums. But what about the tongue? Did you know that cleaning your tongue can actually help protect your smile from bad breath and other oral health concerns? Should patients in Richardson, TX be using a tongue scraper?


Can My Dental Visit Be Relaxing?

When people think about the dentist’s office, “relaxing” is typically never a word used to describe the experience. However, things have changed considerably in recent years. You’ll be glad to learn that our practice offers technology and amenities to help patients, especially those with dental anxiety, feel calm and relaxed.


Do You Need A Mouthguard?

Summer is a time to be outdoors! Adults and kids alike will be playing sports, heading outside, and having a great time. However, this also means a greater risk of damage occurring to the teeth, such as a sports-related injury. Fortunately, we can offer a custom-made mouthguard to protect teeth from being chipped or knocked-out.
