Category: General Dentistry

Better Nutrition Means A Better Smile!

During the month of March, we observe National Nutrition Month. We want our patients to be aware of how proper nutrition not only helps your waistline and your heart health, but your smile as well. Healthy snacks and drinks can help safeguard your smile against tooth decay and gum disease.

Tips For Avoiding Chapped Lips And Sensitive Teeth

During the winter, people struggle with chapped lips and tooth sensitivity. In today’s blog, we’re going to offer a few tips for avoiding chapped lips, and discuss the possible cause of tooth sensitivity and what you can do to avoid discomfort!

“Healthy” Foods And Drinks That Can Hurt Your Smile

Sometimes when we inform patients about a cavity, they are shocked, usually responding that they eat or drink healthy foods and beverages. However, many foods and drinks can actually lead to a greater risk of decay, even if at first glance they appear healthy. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at a few of… Read more »

Stocking Stuffers That Also Improve Oral Health

Christmas just a few days away and many of us are in a mad scramble to finish our list and get the perfect gifts for our friends and family. In the spirit of the holidays (and of keeping smiles healthy) we would like to offer a few unique and fun gift ideas. These stocking stuffers… Read more »

Use Your 2017 Dental Benefits Before You Lose Them!

We’re already just a few weeks from Christmas, which means the end of 2017 is drawing near. Before greeting the New Year, why not schedule a visit with your dentist? Otherwise, you may end up watching your remaining 2017 benefits expire without use! We can offer custom care for patients of all ages and their… Read more »

5 Smile Healthy Thanksgiving Foods

Next week, our team and our patients will be sitting down with their friends and family for Thanksgiving. We love the opportunity to see our loved ones and enjoy a wonderful time together. However, despite the presence of sugary desserts and starchy foods, you can still take steps to keep your smile healthy. In today’s… Read more »

How To Avoid Decay After The Big Feast

In just a few weeks, families across the nation will be sitting down for a Thanksgiving feast. While we love the opportunity to visit with our families, we shouldn’t forget about our smiles! You can take steps to help avoid decay after your big feast, protecting your smile from a common, but serious, oral health… Read more »

Take Advantage Of Our Halloween BuyBack!

There is so much to love about Halloween, but as dental professionals, we also know that too many sweets and candies can lead to the onset of tooth decay. For kids, Halloween is the beginning of a season of indulging in too many sweets. Fortunately, we have a fun and unique solution: Our Halloween buyback… Read more »

Have You Had A Summer Checkup?

Summer is quickly coming to a close. In just a couple weeks, children across the country will be returning to school. If you’re a parent, or a student yourself, then you understand how busy your schedule is about to become. For that reason, we always suggest scheduling a final summer checkup before the new semester… Read more »

Can A Dental Cleaning Prevent Gum Disease?

How often has your dentist reminded you to come in for routine dental cleanings? In addition to freshening breath and brightening your smile, this preventive procedure can also help you avoid gum disease. How does a dental cleaning work? What factors can lead to gum disease in the first place?