Our teeth are very strong and coated in enamel, the hardest substance in the human body. However, our teeth can still become chipped or broken. What should you do when you break a tooth? In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about how to repair a tooth and avoid serious complications.
Better Nutrition Means A Better Smile!
During the month of March, we observe National Nutrition Month. We want our patients to be aware of how proper nutrition not only helps your waistline and your heart health, but your smile as well. Healthy snacks and drinks can help safeguard your smile against tooth decay and gum disease.
Does A Cleaning Help Little Smiles?
While most parents understand that a routine exam is good for little smiles, some seem surprised that we also recommend cleanings. However, since plaque can form on teeth in both kids and adults, a cleaning is necessary for patients of all ages. Otherwise, there is an increased risk of oral health problems.
Can Dental Sealants Help Prevent Decay In Children?
While we can use fillings to treat decay in children, we would much rather help them avoid the problem altogether. One option for safeguarding little smiles against cavities is a dental sealant. We can use a dental sealant to help prevent decay from forming in your child’s smile.
We’re Offering Free Preventive Care For Kids On Feb. 23rd
Each year, our team is proud to take part in the American Dental Association’s Give Kids A Smile Day. For one day, we provide free preventive care for children ages 12 and under. On February 23rd, we’ll be helping children in need of dental care from our Richardson office. Find out more about this event and how you can reserve a spot for your child!
What Is National Children’s Dental Health Month?
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month! We, along with dental professionals from across the country, use this time to spread the word about the importance of routine care for keeping smiles healthy. We’re also participating in Give Kids A Smile Day as part of National Children’s Dental Health Month.
Tips For Avoiding Chapped Lips And Sensitive Teeth
During the winter, people struggle with chapped lips and tooth sensitivity. In today’s blog, we’re going to offer a few tips for avoiding chapped lips, and discuss the possible cause of tooth sensitivity and what you can do to avoid discomfort!
“Healthy” Foods And Drinks That Can Hurt Your Smile
Sometimes when we inform patients about a cavity, they are shocked, usually responding that they eat or drink healthy foods and beverages. However, many foods and drinks can actually lead to a greater risk of decay, even if at first glance they appear healthy. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at a few of these possibly harmful items.
We’re Going To Help Give Kids A Smile!
Each year, our team is proud to take part in American Dental Association’s Give Kids A Smile event! We have a day where we provide free preventive care to children in our community. In today’s blog, we’re going to talk a little more about our annual event and what you can do to save a spot for your little before they all fill up! We’re also have a gallery of fun pictures from past GKAS events!
Can Homemade Aligners Do More Harm Than Good?
People are always looking for a more affordable alternative, in housing, food, and even in dental care. The trend of do-it-yourself braces has led to well-documented horrors, including damaged tissue and jawbones. But now, there are companies offering mail-order aligners, in which people take their own impressions and pictures. While this may seem like a great way to cut costs, there are dangers to homemade aligners.