FAQs About Dental Implants

viva-faq-implantsWe offer dental implants as a way to provide our patients with strong and long lasting tooth replacement. People often have questions about dental implants, such as how placement occurs or how this option differs from more traditional prosthetics, such as bridges or dentures. There are many benefits to choosing dental implants to restore missing teeth.


Do Your Teeth Feel Sensitive?

viva-sensitive-teethDo you notice that your teeth ache when exposed to cold foods or drinks? Does the chilly fall air sometimes cause discomfort? If your teeth feel sensitive, then you may need to see your dentist. In some cases, this could be a sign of tooth decay and may require immediate attention. Otherwise, discomfort could grow worse.


Have You Heard About Our Halloween Buyback Program?

viva-halloween-candy-buybackWe understand how fun Halloween is for people of all ages. We enjoy the holiday too! But we also understand that eating too much candy can place teeth at risk of developing decay. In order to help prevent cavities in our younger patients, each year we offer a Halloween Buyback Program. Your kids can trade candy in for cash, helping them enjoy the fruits of their trick or treating labors without putting their smiles at risk.


Healthy Halloween Snack Options

viva-halloweenHalloween is almost here! As a parent, you know that your kids will be coming home with tons of candy from their tick or treating adventures. While a little candy here or there is okay, consuming too much can lead to a higher risk of tooth decay, especially since Halloween is soon followed by the holiday season. What healthy Halloween snack options are there? How do you help your little one keep his/her smile cavity-free?


What’s Scarier Than Tooth Decay?

viva-tooth-decayWith October here, your children will most likely be celebrating Halloween in a few short weeks. While we love dressing up and the occasional sugary snack, indulging in too much candy can soon lead to decay. Cavities can be scary because they endanger our smile and cause discomfort. Fortunately, you can take steps to protect your smile from the onset of tooth decay, no matter how old or young you are.


Learn More About Root Canal Therapy

viva-root-canalDue to rampant misinformation and bad jokes on TV, you probably assume receiving a root canal is second only to being hit by a bus. We’re always surprised to see how worried some patients are about this safe and comfortable procedure that most people find comparable to receiving a filling. In fact, endodontic treatment is often crucial for preserving your smile. You can learn more about root canal therapy with today’s quiz.
