Do You Have Questions About Invisalign?

vivainvisalignWe’ve discussed before how uneven teeth can hurt both your appearance and oral health. In many cases, a patient may wear braces to correct his/her smile. However, we can also offer a practically invisible solution to misalignment. With Invisalign, patients can improve the alignment of their teeth with a series of clear plastic aligners. Our prosthodontist, Dr. Ambriz, is experienced in treating smiles with Invisalign. Do you have questions about Invisalign?


Do You Want A Brighter Smile?

vivateethwhiteningValentine’s Day is just a few days away. Have you made any plans with your significant other? If so, you want to look your best for the big event. Do you want a brighter smile? If you have teeth stained with unsightly discoloration, we can help remove or mask these stains. With cosmetic dentistry, we can help you achieve a more attractive smile.


Do You Need A Dental Prosthetic?

vivaprostheticHave you lost one or more of your permanent teeth? If so, then you may benefit from a dental prosthetic. Otherwise, not only will your appearance suffer, but your overall health as well. We offer a number of different options for replacing teeth and restoring the health and function of smiles. Do you need a dental prosthetic? Which option will work best for you?
