See Our Team For Your Holiday Checkup And Cleaning

dallas holiday checkup visit

Today is December 3rd, which means your chances to see our team for treatment in 2021 are running out! In just a few short weeks, any remaining dental benefits you have will expire. So, we recommend scheduling your holiday checkup and cleaning visit now! You can find time to see us right away, or see if appointments during your child’s winter break are available. Your Dallas, TX, dentist would like to help you and the entire family start a new year with a healthy and stunning new smile!


Safeguarding Your Teeth During Thanksgiving

Richardson thanksgiving

Next week, many of us will be traveling or having family come to our homes to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. While we all have favorite meals, many of our holiday favorites either contain high amounts of sugar or arch, or both! Which is why your Richardson, TX, dentist wants to make sure you and your family know what actions to take to keep your smile strong and healthy, lowering your risk of tooth decay and dental infection during the holidays!


Use Your Benefits Before You Lose Them!

dallas dental benefitsWe know this is only the first week of November, but between breaks for holidays and your soon-to-be busy schedule, finding time to the dentist could become scarce! Which is your Dallas, TX, dentist wants to make sure you and your family have a chance to use your remaining dental insurance benefits before they expire, so you end 2021 and start 2022 with a healthier and brighter smile!


Tips For Avoiding Cavities After Halloween

richardson halloween candy

Do you have your Halloween plans in place? For many families in our community, next weekend will involve hitting the street to trick or treat in fun costumes and of course, obtain a ton of candy. While a few sugary treats are okay, too much could mean an increase in painful cavities. Which is why in today’s blog, your Richardson, TX, dentist is offering a few tips to help reduce the chances of cavities forming following your Halloween fun.


Have You Scheduled Your FREE Periodontal Consultation?

dallas periodontal health

Your gums are essentially the framework of your smile, keeping your teeth in place and keeping your smile whole. Which means that periodontal disease, if left untreated, could destroy this frame and lead to tooth loss, along with a host of uncomfortable symptoms. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist looks at how our periodontal services could safeguard your smile, which includes a FREE consultation with our on-staff periodontist, Dr. Shalev!


What Your Aching Tooth Is Telling You

richardson toothachesWe’re already experiencing the first cool down of autumn. While we’re all enjoying the respite from the summer heat, cooler weather could mean an increased chance of sensitive teeth. With that in mind, we want to talk about toothaches, and what they could be telling your smile. How do you know when you have a cavity or infection? When should you call your Richardson, TX, dentist for an appointment? In today’s blog, we’re going to find out!


How We’re Keeping You Safe From Delta 

dallas dentist covid measures

Recently, cases of the Delta variant of COVID-19 have risen dramatically, and many Texas hospitals are at capacity. Which has many families in our community worried about going to doctor and dental visits. We don’t want to see your oral health decline, as it did for many people who avoided treatment during much of 2020. That’s why in today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist will talk about the steps we’re taking to protect patients and their families who see us for care! We don’t want your concerns about the pandemic to prevent you from obtaining a healthy and whole smile. We’re ready to see people of all ages!


How We Craft Natural-Looking Restorations

richardson lifelike restorations

When you have a cavity, infection, or even a tooth that has become cracked, chipped, or lost, then you need a restoration. Instead of relying on metal ones, we employ lifelike materials which are safe for people of all ages. In fact, we can often repair teeth in only one visit with these restorations! In today’s blog, your Richardson, TX, dentist will talk about how we design and create lifelike restorations to return your smile to optimal health, function, and beauty!


Getting Your Child’s Smile Ready For School

dallas childrens checkup

Starting next week, many children in the Dallas and Richardson, TX, communities will be heading back to school. As parents, you have to get them ready with new school clothes, supplies, and more. But amidst all of this, don’t forget about their smiles! A checkup and cleaning visit before the school year begins means we can help your little one start a new year with their best possible smile. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at the steps you can take, starting with a checkup, to help facilitate this!


Lifelike Solutions To Your Missing Teeth

richardson dental implants

We could lose our natural teeth for a number of different factors, but no matter the cause, these gaps could mean serious trouble for our oral health. To avoid complications and even a prematurely aged appearance, you may need a dental prosthetic. In today’s blog, your Richardson, TX, dentist will talk about how we create lifelike dental prosthetics, and what can be done to avoid tooth loss altogether.
