Do You Have A Missing Tooth?

viva missing toothDid you know that losing even a single tooth can increase the risk of serious complications, ranging from misalignment to TMJ disorder and bruxism? As the rate of tooth loss increases, so does the risk of facial collapse and other oral health concerns. Fortunately, we have options available to help replace one or more missing teeth. If you have a missing tooth, contact our office today to discuss whether you benefit from a bridge or an implant.


3 Serious Consequences of Teeth-Grinding

3 serious consequences of teeth grindingBruxism, or the habit of constantly grinding your teeth, poses a serious risk to your oral health if it isn’t treated. Unlike occasionally clenching your teeth, bruxism involves relentless, often unconscious teeth-grinding. Since it often occurs at night, you can’t stop it simply by trying to be aware of it. To underscore the importance of bruxism treatment, we explore three serious consequences of teeth-grinding, and what the condition can mean for the long-term health of your smile. (more…)

Do Baby Teeth Need Fillings?

viva baby teethJust like you, children of all ages can develop a dental cavity. Many parents assume that since baby teeth will fall out eventually, that a cavity can be ignored. However, this is far from the truth. Ignoring a cavity in a baby tooth can lead to serious complications that threaten the health and stability of the smile. Do baby teeth need fillings? Yes, they absolutely do.
